Thesaurus Term/Concept: BURIED LAND SURFACE

Identifier 142968
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A former ground surface buried beneath an earthwork or other sequence of deposits. (includes palaeosoils, turf lines)

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (52)

Context Record
Monument Type MKE117342 Alluvial spread containing Bronze Age finds, possible location for 'special deposits' (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115610 Area of intact Quaternary stratigraphy, London Road, Swanscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115627 Areas of higher Palaeolithic potential within the Ebbsfleet Green Development area (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98388 Banking deposits (probably medieval, possibly 12th,13th,14th centuries) at land at the rear of 182 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent (Monument)
Monument Type MKE91548 Brook, Ashford - mollusc-rich slopewash deposits and buried Late Glacial palaeosol (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot)
Monument Type MKE99258 Buried soil containing flints and carbon (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99246 Buried soil with iron age, Roman and medieval finds (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114458 Early Neolithic flint scatter and palaeochannel at Barton Mill, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115642 Former ground surfaces or possible rampart/mound, Pin Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115566 Fossil land surfaces, Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116732 GEO - Late Glacial palaeosol at brick-pit to SW of Castle Hill, Morehall (Important geological sequence)
Monument Type MKE115559 Geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental sequence, Westgate Gardens (Important geological sequence)
Monument Type MKE98734 Historic bank of the River Dour, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115270 Important quaternary sequence, Croxton and Garry site, Swanscombe (Important geological sequence)
Monument Type MKE76043 Last Glacial palaeo-landsurface with flint flakes, northeast quadrant of A2/ M25 junction (Link C) (Monument)
Monument Type MKE80360 Late Bronze Age activity, Northfleet Water Treatment Works (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99564 Layer of alluvial mud (peat), Biggin Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99259 Layer of burnt flint and carbon exposed in a stream bank, east of Canterbury Hill (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114474 Medieval and post-medieva deposits, 20A, 21 and 21A Palace Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE17311 Medieval deposits, Atina House, Bench Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99825 Medieval features located at the former site of the Post Office, Biggin Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116841 Medieval land surface at Wayfield House, West Hythe (Monument)
Monument Type MKE77306 Medieval occupation debris (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116863 Medieval occupation deposits, New Romney (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114521 Medieval surface and artefacts, Cleve Hill, Graveney (Monument)
Monument Type MKE102204 Mesolithic flint assemblage, Cheeseman's Green (Landscape)
Monument Type MKE115565 Multiple flint findspots and in situ flint knapping floor with a lower palaeolithic date, Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (Monument)
Monument Type MKE112061 Neolithic Deposits discovered during rescue excavations in Dover Town Centre (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98579 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 4 (Landscape)
Monument Type MKE98546 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 1 (Landscape)
Monument Type MKE98578 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 2 (Landscape)
Monument Type MKE98580 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 7 (Landscape)
Monument Type MKE15602 Palaeolandscape features, near Chatham Docks, Gillingham (Landscape)
Monument Type MKE78376 Palaeolandsurfaces, Pembroke Road, Gillingham (Landscape)
Monument Type MKE115562 Palaeolithic land surfaces, working floors, flint findspots and faunal remains uncovered in Barnfield pit. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE120297 Palaeosols discovered on land off Tothill Street, Minster (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98653 Peat deposit, Russell Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116733 PEFS - Folkestone, Dover Hill: mollusc-rich slopewash deposits and buried Late Glacial palaeosol (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot)
Monument Type MKE117329 Pleistocene deposits at Maypole Primary School Dartford (Important geological sequence)
Monument Type MKE118904 Pleistocene palaeochannel and 'coombe' deposit at Station Road West Carpark, Canterbury (Important geological sequence)
Monument Type MKE115762 Possible Anglo-Saxon or medieval surfaces, Tradescant Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98909 Post medieval cellared building and make-up layers. Archcliffe Fort, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE78083 Prehistoric flints, Belvedere Road, Faversham (Monument)
Monument Type MKE110940 Prehistoric ground surface, Perry Court Farm, Faversham (Monument)
Monument Type MKE40131 Prehistoric metalled surface found during the A2 Pepperhill to Cobham widening scheme (Area B) (Monument)
Monument Type MKE120368 Probable iron age / Romano-British agricultural features, Bicknor (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114425 Roman deposits, former St John's Ambulance site, Church Lane, (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123184 Roman floor surfaces at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98965 Roman walling and stratified deposits, south eastern side of Market Square, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116862 Storm deposits relating to documented storm event, New Romney (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99014 Stratified Medieval depositis St James Area, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE17307 Wind blown sand deposit, York street, Dover. (Monument)