Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MKE117342 Alluvial spread containing Bronze Age finds, possible location for 'special deposits' (Monument) |
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MKE115610 Area of intact Quaternary stratigraphy, London Road, Swanscombe (Monument) |
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MKE115627 Areas of higher Palaeolithic potential within the Ebbsfleet Green Development area (Monument) |
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MKE98388 Banking deposits (probably medieval, possibly 12th,13th,14th centuries) at land at the rear of 182 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent (Monument) |
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MKE91548 Brook, Ashford - mollusc-rich slopewash deposits and buried Late Glacial palaeosol (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot) |
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MKE99258 Buried soil containing flints and carbon (Monument) |
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MKE99246 Buried soil with iron age, Roman and medieval finds (Monument) |
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MKE114458 Early Neolithic flint scatter and palaeochannel at Barton Mill, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE115642 Former ground surfaces or possible rampart/mound, Pin Hill (Monument) |
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MKE115566 Fossil land surfaces, Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (Monument) |
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MKE116732 GEO - Late Glacial palaeosol at brick-pit to SW of Castle Hill, Morehall (Important geological sequence) |
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MKE115559 Geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental sequence, Westgate Gardens (Important geological sequence) |
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MKE98734 Historic bank of the River Dour, Dover. (Monument) |
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MKE115270 Important quaternary sequence, Croxton and Garry site, Swanscombe (Important geological sequence) |
Monument Type |
MKE76043 Last Glacial palaeo-landsurface with flint flakes, northeast quadrant of A2/ M25 junction (Link C) (Monument) |
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MKE80360 Late Bronze Age activity, Northfleet Water Treatment Works (Monument) |
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MKE99564 Layer of alluvial mud (peat), Biggin Street, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE99259 Layer of burnt flint and carbon exposed in a stream bank, east of Canterbury Hill (Monument) |
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MKE114474 Medieval and post-medieva deposits, 20A, 21 and 21A Palace Street (Monument) |
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MKE17311 Medieval deposits, Atina House, Bench Street, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE99825 Medieval features located at the former site of the Post Office, Biggin Street, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE116841 Medieval land surface at Wayfield House, West Hythe (Monument) |
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MKE77306 Medieval occupation debris (Monument) |
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MKE116863 Medieval occupation deposits, New Romney (Monument) |
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MKE114521 Medieval surface and artefacts, Cleve Hill, Graveney (Monument) |
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MKE102204 Mesolithic flint assemblage, Cheeseman's Green (Landscape) |
Monument Type |
MKE115565 Multiple flint findspots and in situ flint knapping floor with a lower palaeolithic date, Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (Monument) |
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MKE112061 Neolithic Deposits discovered during rescue excavations in Dover Town Centre (Monument) |
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MKE98579 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 4 (Landscape) |
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MKE98546 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 1 (Landscape) |
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MKE98578 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 2 (Landscape) |
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MKE98580 Northampton Quay, Dover, riverine deposits (peat) Borehole 7 (Landscape) |
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MKE15602 Palaeolandscape features, near Chatham Docks, Gillingham (Landscape) |
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MKE78376 Palaeolandsurfaces, Pembroke Road, Gillingham (Landscape) |
Monument Type |
MKE115562 Palaeolithic land surfaces, working floors, flint findspots and faunal remains uncovered in Barnfield pit. (Monument) |
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MKE120297 Palaeosols discovered on land off Tothill Street, Minster (Monument) |
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MKE98653 Peat deposit, Russell Street, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE116733 PEFS - Folkestone, Dover Hill: mollusc-rich slopewash deposits and buried Late Glacial palaeosol (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot) |
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MKE117329 Pleistocene deposits at Maypole Primary School Dartford (Important geological sequence) |
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MKE118904 Pleistocene palaeochannel and 'coombe' deposit at Station Road West Carpark, Canterbury (Important geological sequence) |
Monument Type |
MKE115762 Possible Anglo-Saxon or medieval surfaces, Tradescant Lane (Monument) |
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MKE98909 Post medieval cellared building and make-up layers. Archcliffe Fort, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE78083 Prehistoric flints, Belvedere Road, Faversham (Monument) |
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MKE110940 Prehistoric ground surface, Perry Court Farm, Faversham (Monument) |
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MKE40131 Prehistoric metalled surface found during the A2 Pepperhill to Cobham widening scheme (Area B) (Monument) |
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MKE120368 Probable iron age / Romano-British agricultural features, Bicknor (Monument) |
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MKE114425 Roman deposits, former St John's Ambulance site, Church Lane, (Monument) |
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MKE123184 Roman floor surfaces at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument) |
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MKE98965 Roman walling and stratified deposits, south eastern side of Market Square, Dover. (Monument) |
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MKE116862 Storm deposits relating to documented storm event, New Romney (Monument) |
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MKE99014 Stratified Medieval depositis St James Area, Dover (Monument) |
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MKE17307 Wind blown sand deposit, York street, Dover. (Monument) |