Monument record TR 34 SW 2 - Classis Britannica Fort I and II, Roman 2nd century Fort, Dover
Grid reference | Centred TR 3185 4134 (104m by 122m) From rectified plan |
Map sheet | TR34SW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (8)
- FORT (Roman - 125 AD to 210 AD)
- DITCH (Defensive ditch of the CLBR fort, Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- ROAD (metalled roads of the CLBR fort, Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- GRANARY (Roman - 125 AD to 210 AD)
- PRIVY HOUSE (Latrine block, Roman - 125 AD to 210 AD)
- WALL (Defensive walls of the CLBR fort, Roman - 125 AD to 210 AD)
- BARRACKS (barrack blocks of the CLBR fort, Roman - 125 AD to 210 AD)
- GATE (North and west gate and guard chambers of the CLBR fort, Roman - 125 AD to 210 AD)
Full Description
<1> E. G. J. Amos and R. E. M. Wheeler, 1929, Archaeological journal: The Saxon Shore fortress at Dover Vol. 86, Arch J 86 1929 47-58 plan (Amos and Wheeler) (Article in serial). SKE31895.
<2> Philp, B. J., 1971, Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23, Kent AR 23 1971 74-86 plan photo (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7856.
<3> John Gaunt, 1974, Kent Archaeological Review: Medieval Jug found near Cane Wood. Vol. 36, Kent AR 36 1974 162 (H Davies) (Article in serial). SKE31918.
<4> Philp, B. J., 1981, The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977, The Excavation of the Ro Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977 1981 (B Philp) (Monograph). SKE7863.
<5> Howard Davis, 1973, Kent Archaeological Review; CIB Archaeological Rescue Unit. Vol. 34., KAR 34 1973 100 (H Davies) (Article in serial). SKE31896.
<6> Philp, B. J., 1971, Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23 (Article in serial). SKE7856.
<7> Johnston, S., 1976, Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore, The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 10-12 51-3 65 68-9 99-102 104 109 115 119 124 128 151 154 (S (Monograph). SKE7857.
<8> Historic England, National Heritage List for England (Index). SKE29372.
<9> A. L. F. Rivet and C. Smith, 1979, The Place Names of Roman Britain, The Place-Names of Ro Brit 1979 341 428 (ALF Rivet and C Smith) (Monograph). SKE31969.
<10> Howard Davis, 1973, Kent Archaeological Review; CIB Archaeological Rescue Unit. Vol. 35., KAR 35 1974 132 (H Davies) (Article in serial). SKE31897.
<11> Brian Philp, The Discovery and Excavation of the Roman Shore Fort at Dover, Kent (Monograph). SKE32061.
<12> Philp, B, 1989, The Roman House with Bacchic Murals at Dover (Monograph). SKE24004.
<13> Kent Archaeological Society, 1972, Archaeologia Cantiana: Investigations and excavations during the year. Vol. 87., Arch Cant 87 1972 234-5 (BJ Philp) (Article in serial). SKE31777.
<14> Edna Mynott, 1974, Kent Archaeological Review; News from the groups; Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit. Vol. 37, KAR 37 1974 196 (E Mynott) (Article in serial). SKE31898.
<15> M.W. C. Hassall & R. S. O. Tomlin, 1983, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies Britannia : a journal of Romano-British and kindred studies (Article in serial). SKE31949.
<16> Brian and Edna Philp, 1974, CIB: Rescue Excavations in Kent 1972-1974: The Town Centre Excavation in Dover (Article in serial). SKE31869.
<17> Philp, B. J., 1990, An Archaeological Evaluation of a Site at Albany Place, Dover Designated for Sheltered Accommodation, KARU Evaluation at Albany Place 1990 (B Philp) (Unpublished document). SKE11902.
<18> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2006, Archaeological Desk Study of Albany Place, Dover (Unpublished document). SKE17719.
<19> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1997, The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief (Unpublished document). SKE7159.
<20> RPS Clouston, 1997, Dover Western Docks Trunk Main Archaeological Report 1997 (Unpublished document). SKE7233.
<21> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2009, Report on Evaluation Trenching off Cowgate Hill, Dover (Unpublished document). SKE18028.
<22> Weekes, J., 2012, Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interim Reports, Archaeologia Cantiana CXXXII 2012: 303 (Article in serial). SKE25119.
<23> Wilkinson, D. R. P., 1995, Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations on the White Cliffs Experience site, Dover, 1988-91. Vol. 114 (Article in serial). SKE31729.
<24> Maritime Archaeology, 2008, Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1 (Unpublished document). SKE31717.
Sources/Archives (24)
- <1> SKE31895 Article in serial: E. G. J. Amos and R. E. M. Wheeler. 1929. Archaeological journal: The Saxon Shore fortress at Dover Vol. 86. Vol. 86 pp. 47-58. Arch J 86 1929 47-58 plan (Amos and Wheeler).
- <2> SKE7856 Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1971. Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23. Vol. 23. pp. 74-86. Kent AR 23 1971 74-86 plan photo (B Philp).
- <3> SKE31918 Article in serial: John Gaunt. 1974. Kent Archaeological Review: Medieval Jug found near Cane Wood. Vol. 36. Vol. 36. pp.171. Kent AR 36 1974 162 (H Davies).
- <4> SKE7863 Monograph: Philp, B. J.. 1981. The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977. The Excavation of the Ro Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977 1981 (B Philp).
- <5> SKE31896 Article in serial: Howard Davis. 1973. Kent Archaeological Review; CIB Archaeological Rescue Unit. Vol. 34.. Vol. 34, page 100. KAR 34 1973 100 (H Davies).
- <6> SKE7856 Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1971. Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23. Vol. 23. pp. 74-86.
- <7> SKE7857 Monograph: Johnston, S.. 1976. Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore. The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore 1976 10-12 51-3 65 68-9 99-102 104 109 115 119 124 128 151 154 (S.
- <8> SKE29372 Index: Historic England. National Heritage List for England.
- <9> SKE31969 Monograph: A. L. F. Rivet and C. Smith. 1979. The Place Names of Roman Britain. The Place-Names of Ro Brit 1979 341 428 (ALF Rivet and C Smith).
- <10> SKE31897 Article in serial: Howard Davis. 1973. Kent Archaeological Review; CIB Archaeological Rescue Unit. Vol. 35.. Vol. 34, page 100. KAR 35 1974 132 (H Davies).
- <11> SKE32061 Monograph: Brian Philp. The Discovery and Excavation of the Roman Shore Fort at Dover, Kent.
- <12> SKE24004 Monograph: Philp, B. 1989. The Roman House with Bacchic Murals at Dover.
- <13> SKE31777 Article in serial: Kent Archaeological Society. 1972. Archaeologia Cantiana: Investigations and excavations during the year. Vol. 87.. Vol. 87. pp. 227-242. Arch Cant 87 1972 234-5 (BJ Philp).
- <14> SKE31898 Article in serial: Edna Mynott. 1974. Kent Archaeological Review; News from the groups; Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit. Vol. 37. Vol. 37, page 196. KAR 37 1974 196 (E Mynott).
- <15> SKE31949 Article in serial: M.W. C. Hassall & R. S. O. Tomlin. 1983. Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies Britannia : a journal of Romano-British and kindred studies. vol: 14. p,336..
- <16> SKE31869 Article in serial: Brian and Edna Philp. 1974. CIB: Rescue Excavations in Kent 1972-1974: The Town Centre Excavation in Dover. pp. 12-13.
- <17> SKE11902 Unpublished document: Philp, B. J.. 1990. An Archaeological Evaluation of a Site at Albany Place, Dover Designated for Sheltered Accommodation. KARU Evaluation at Albany Place 1990 (B Philp).
- <18> SKE17719 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2006. Archaeological Desk Study of Albany Place, Dover.
- <19> SKE7159 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1997. The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief.
- <20> SKE7233 Unpublished document: RPS Clouston. 1997. Dover Western Docks Trunk Main Archaeological Report 1997.
- <21> SKE18028 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2009. Report on Evaluation Trenching off Cowgate Hill, Dover.
- <22> SKE25119 Article in serial: Weekes, J.. 2012. Canterbury Archaeological Trust Interim Reports. Arch Cant CXXXII: 291-305. Archaeologia Cantiana CXXXII 2012: 303.
- <23> SKE31729 Article in serial: Wilkinson, D. R. P.. 1995. Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations on the White Cliffs Experience site, Dover, 1988-91. Vol. 114. Vol. 114 pp. 51-148.
- <24> SKE31717 Unpublished document: Maritime Archaeology. 2008. Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1.
Finds (32)
- WALL PAINTING (Roman - 140 AD? to 250 AD?)
- BRICK (Roman to Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 43 AD? to 900 AD?)
- COIN (Roman - 81 AD to 259 AD)
- TILE (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- BROOCH (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- BRACELET (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- MELON BEAD (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- RING (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- PIN (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- PIN (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- NEEDLE (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- SPINDLE WHORL (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- SEAL BOX (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- LID (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- TWEEZERS (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- COSMETIC SPOON (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- FASTENING (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- STUD (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- HARNESS FITTING (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- BUCKLE (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- HANDLE (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- DIE (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- BURNISHER (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- WHETSTONE (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- COUNTER (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- DISC BROOCH (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- INSCRIBED OBJECT (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- MOUNT (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- PLUMB BOB (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
- WATER PIPE COLLAR (Roman - 125 AD? to 210 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (119)
- Parent of: Area of metalling in SE corner (B44) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1645)
- Parent of: Areas of metalling and chalk block barrack walls associated with the CLBR fort II, York Street, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1354)
- Parent of: Barrack block (B24) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1635)
- Parent of: Barrack block (B26) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1640)
- Parent of: Barrack block (B19) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1626)
- Parent of: Barrack block (B20) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1662)
- Parent of: Barrack block (B22) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Warehouse South site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1608)
- Parent of: Barrack block (B23) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. and Warehouse South sites, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1600)
- Parent of: Barrack block (B30) of the CLBR fort II, located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1590)
- Parent of: Barrack block of the CLBR fort II (B32) located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1616)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B48) of the CLBR fort II, located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1592)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B49) of the CLBR fort II, located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1593)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B52) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1624)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B53) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1618)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B54) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1627)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B55) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1628)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B56) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1629)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B57) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1630)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B58) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1631)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B59) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1632)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B60) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1619)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B61) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1620)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B63) of the CLBR fort, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1664)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B64) of the CLBR fort, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1665)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B65) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1666)
- Parent of: Chalk Block drain (B67) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1668)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B74) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Warehouse South site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1609)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B76) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1646)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B77) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1647)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B78) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1648)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B79) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1649)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B80) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1650)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B81) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1651)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B83) of the CLBR fort, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1653)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B84) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1654)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B85) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1655)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B86) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1656)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B87) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1657)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B88) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1658)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B91) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1604)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B92) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1605)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain (B93) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1606)
- Parent of: Chalk Block drain and sump (B68) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1669)
- Parent of: Chalk block drain associated with barrack block 23 of the Classis Britannica fort II (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1203)
- Parent of: Chalk block drains (B69 and B71) of the CLBR fort I, located at the Warehouse South site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1610)
- Parent of: Chalk block drains (B70, B72, B73 and B75) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Warehouse South site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1611)
- Parent of: Chalk block gutters and drains outside building 20 associated with the Classis Britannica fort II (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1196)
- Parent of: Chalk block wall and clay floor of building 20 associated with the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1194)
- Parent of: Culvert (B90) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1660)
- Parent of: East Gatehouse of the CLBR fort II (B14), located at the B.M.W. Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1599)
- Parent of: East Granary (B17) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1622)
- Parent of: East Intervallium Road (B40) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1602)
- Parent of: Extra Mural Structure associated with the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1191)
- Parent of: Forecourt outside the East Gate (B45) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1603)
- Parent of: Foundations of unfinished building (A5) associated with the CLBR fort I, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1625)
- Parent of: Foundations of unfinished building (A6) associated with the CLBR fort I, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1674)
- Parent of: Foundations of unfinished building (A7) associated with the CLBR fort I, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1675)
- Parent of: Foundations of unfinished building (A8) associated with the CLBR fort I, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1612)
- Parent of: Foundations of unfinished CLBR fort wall (A2) associated with the CLBR fort I, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1672)
- Parent of: Foundations of unfinished CLBR fort wall (A3 and A4) associated with the CLBR fort I, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1673)
- Parent of: Inscription on the west wall of the CLBR fort II, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 137)
- Parent of: Intervallum west road (B35) of the CLBR fort, located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1591)
- Parent of: Latrine (B33) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1642)
- Parent of: Metalled surface associated with an extra mural building near the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1395)
- Parent of: Metalled surface associated with barrack block 23 of the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1204)
- Parent of: Metalled surfaces outside building 20 associated with the Classis Britannica Fort II (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1197)
- Parent of: Opus Signinum floor of building 20 associated with the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1195)
- Parent of: Part of the CLBR fort II berm and defensive ditch (B12) located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1634)
- Parent of: Part of the CLBR fort II wall (B1) located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1587)
- Parent of: Part of the CLBR fort II wall (B2), located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1595)
- Parent of: Part of the CLBR fort II wall (B3), located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1596)
- Parent of: Part of the CLBR fort II wall (B4) located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1613)
- Parent of: Part of the CLBR fort II wall (B7), located at the B.M.W. Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1598)
- Parent of: Part of the CLBR fort II wall (B8) located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1633)
- Parent of: Part of the defensive ditch and berm of CLBR fort II (B11) located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1614)
- Parent of: Part of the North Gatehouse of CLBR fort II (B13) located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1615)
- Parent of: Possible a barrack block (B31) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1681)
- Parent of: Possible barrack block (B27) of the CLBR fort, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1641)
- Parent of: Possible location of a barrack block (B28) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1679)
- Parent of: Possible location of a barrack block (B34) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1682)
- Parent of: Possible location of a barrack block (B34) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1683)
- Parent of: Possible location of a courtyard (B18) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1677)
- Parent of: Possible location of the Commandant's House (B29) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1680)
- Parent of: Possible location of the Principia (B15) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1676)
- Parent of: Possible podium (B46) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1601)
- Parent of: Probable 2nd century chalk-block structures, Albany Place, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1105)
- Parent of: Probable 2nd century chalk-block structures, Albany Place, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1133)
- Parent of: Probable 2nd century chalk-block structures, Albany Place, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1109)
- Parent of: Probable location of a barrack block (B21) of the Roman CLBR fort II at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1678)
- Parent of: Projected line of the CLBR fort walls, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1670)
- Parent of: Road between barrack blocks 24 and 25 (B41) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1643)
- Parent of: Road between barrack blocks 26 and 27 (B42) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1644)
- Parent of: Road between barracks (B38) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1663)
- Parent of: Roman Aqueduct (B47) supplying water to the CLBR fort II, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 661)
- Parent of: Roman chalk block wall and associated terrace, Cow Gate Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1111)
- Parent of: Roman chalk block wall, Cowgate Hill Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1110)
- Parent of: Roman chalk block wall, Cowgate Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1117)
- Parent of: Roman chalk block wall, Cowgate Hill, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1116)
- Parent of: Roman floors and demolition deposits beneath No. 5 Cowgate Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1113)
- Parent of: Roman walls pits and floor, 7 Cowgate Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1849)
- Parent of: Romano-British road (B39) located at the former site of Fox's Bakery, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 64)
- Parent of: Section of a major road; Via Principalis (B36) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1623)
- Parent of: Section of the CLBR fort II defensive ditch and berm (B10) at Durham Hill (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1597)
- Parent of: Section of the CLBR fort II defensive ditch and berm (B9) located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1588)
- Parent of: Section of the north intervallum road (B37) of the CLBR fort, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1617)
- Parent of: Sewer (B89) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1659)
- Parent of: Steep-sided Roman ditch, Albany Place, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1106)
- Parent of: The western granary of the CLBR fort II (B16) located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1589)
- Parent of: Tufa block drain (B62) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1621)
- Parent of: Two certain undated graves and one possible grave, Albany Place, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1108)
- Parent of: Two gullies (B94-95) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1607)
- Parent of: Two probable 2nd century rooms with hypocaust, opus signinum floors and painted plaster, Albnay Place, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1134)
- Parent of: Two Roman chalk block bases, Cowgate Hill, Dover - possible part of an interior structure of the Roman fort of the Classis Britannica. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1746)
- Parent of: Two Roman floor surfaces, Cowgate Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1747)
- Parent of: Water pipe (B66) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Car Park Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1667)
- Parent of: Water pipeline (B50) of the CLBR fort II, located at Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1594)
- Parent of: Water Pipeline (B51) of the CLBR fort II, Durham Hill, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1685)
- Parent of: Water pipeline (B82) of the CLBR fort, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1652)
- Part of: Dover Roman Town and Port, Portus Dubris (Monument) (TR 34 SW 140)
Related Events/Activities (34)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Desk based assessment of Cowgate Terrace and Albany House (EKE12114)
- Event Boundary: Evaluation at 1-7 Cowgate Hill, Dover (Ref: APD-EV-08) (EKE15651)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation at 1-7 Cowgate Hill, Dover Trench 1 (Ref: APD-EV-08) (EKE12467)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation at 1-7 Cowgate Hill, Dover Trench 3 (Ref: APD-EV-08) (EKE15845)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation at 1-7 Cowgate Hill, Dover Trench 4 (Ref: APD-EV-08) (EKE15846)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation at 1-7 Cowgate Hill, Dover Trench 5 (Ref: APD-EV-08) (EKE15847)
- Event Boundary: Evaluation of a Site at Albany Place, Dover (Ref: EI 36151) (EKE4475)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation of a Site at Albany Place, Dover: Trench AB-1 (Ref: EI 36151) (EKE15057)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation of a Site at Albany Place, Dover: Trench AB-2 (Ref: EI 36151) (EKE15058)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation of a Site at Albany Place, Dover: Trench AB-3 (Ref: EI 36151) (EKE15059)
- Event Boundary: Excavation at the White Cliffs experience site, Dover 1988-91 (EKE15424)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at the white cliffs experience site, Trench 1 (EKE15427)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at the white cliffs experience site, Trench 11 (EKE15429)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at the white cliffs experience site, Trench 12 (EKE15434)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at the white cliffs experience site, Trench 13 (EKE15431)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at the white cliffs experience site, Trench 14 (EKE15432)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation of a Roman underground well within the CLBR fort, Dover (EKE15865)
- Event Boundary: FOX'S BAKERY SITE, QUEEN STREET (Ref: EI 15362) (EKE4760)
- Intrusive Event: FOX'S BAKERY SITE, QUEEN STREET (Ref: EI 15362) (EKE15652)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations at the Battle of Britain Homes site, York Street, Dover (EKE4474)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, B.M.W. Site (EKE4817)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Burial Ground Site (Ref: EI 15378) (EKE4762)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Car Park Site, Queen Street (EKE4654)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Cause is Altered Public House Site, Princes Street (EKE4650)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Durham Hill North Site (EKE4819)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Durham Hill South Site (EKE4656)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Warehouse South site (EKE4249)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, Barwicks Workshop site. (EKE15850)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, Saxon features, northern site. (EKE15848)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, southern site (Barwicks Yard). (EKE15849)
- Event Boundary: Rescue excavations within Dover Town Centre ahead of development of York Street, Dover (EKE15656)
- Intrusive Event: Road works associated with the construction of the York Street Bypass, Dover (EKE15871)
- Event Boundary: Watching brief on The Dover Spine Main 1996 (EKE5282)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief on The Dover Spine Main, Area 1b, 1996 (EKE15188)
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Record last edited
Mar 16 2023 12:54PM