Thesaurus Term/Concept: METALLED SURFACE

Identifier -161
Status Candidate
Index? Yes
Scope Note Surface e.g. possible road, living surface etc that has been metalled.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (102)

Context Record
Monument Type MKE117446 ?Anglo-Saxon metalled surfaces, ?buildings, and deposits at Shirley Hall, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117417 ?Anglo-Saxon yard and metalling deposit, and occupation deposits at Canterbury Christ Church University (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123162 ?Medieval floors, metalled surfaces, and ditches at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117382 ?Medieval surfaces associated with Canterbury Cathedral (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117419 ?Post-medieval metalled surface at Canterbury Christ Church University (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117447 ?Roman features and deposits at Shirley Hall, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122617 ?Roman metalled surface and late Roman/post-Roman agricultural layer, 40 Orchard Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117415 ?Roman or Anglo-Saxon metalling at land adjacent to Blackman House, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116739 1st to 3rd century Roman occupation, 49 St Peter's Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116068 Anglo-Saxon and medieval enclosures and hut, Chestfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123161 Anglo-Saxon trackway, metallings, and floor surface at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123186 Anglo-Saxon/early medieval metalled surface at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99329 Area of metalling in SE corner (B44) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99453 Area of metalling north of the 'East Building', Located at the Cannon Street West Site, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99455 Area of metalling south of the 'East Building', Located at the Cannon Street West Site, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98892 Areas of metalling and chalk block barrack walls associated with the CLBR fort II, York Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114581 Branch road from Roman Watling Street, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117474 Bronze Age - early Iron Age features including a pond barrow, round-house, and enclosure ditches at Cockering Farm, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104592 Early Medieval/Medieval deposits, pits and road surface, Staplegate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99804 Early post medieval walling, yard surfaces and drains at Ladywell car park, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99266 East Intervallium Road (B40) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99224 External courtyard of the Roman military bath house, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99225 Flanking road of the Roman military bath house, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99267 Forecourt outside the East Gate (B45) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115670 Gravel metalled Roman street, St Mildred's Tannery section B (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117475 Iron Age - Romano-British features including a droveway, a routeway, ditches, and pits at Cockering Farm, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115681 Iron Age and Roman remains, 65-65A London Road, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE4502 Iron Age occupation site with ?Roman features, Longmarket, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116051 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age settlement features, Willow Farm, Broomfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114501 Late Iron Age / early Roman features, Whitehall Road (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115752 Late Iron age / Roman buildings and field system, Ridlands Farm (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115645 Late iron age / Roman remains, south-west transept, Canterbury Cathedral (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114453 Late medieval metalled surface and boundary ditch, Hillborough Farm, Herne Bay (Monument)
Monument Type MKE100348 Late Roman metalled surface, Queen Street/Last Lane, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MWX17299 Late Roman occupation at Reculver Cliff (Monument)
Monument Type MKE7951 Linear features, possible line of a trackway, Minster in Thanet (Monument)
Monument Type MKE97627 Medieval and Possible Romano-British occupation and features, Church Street, Hoo St Werburgh (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114513 Medieval and Post Medieval occupation evidence, 19 Wincheap (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123158 Medieval and post-medieval buildings and features at 30-33 High Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117426 Medieval and post-medieval features at 18 Longport, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE93305 Medieval building foundations excavated at Northgate Car Park (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116759 Medieval clay/metalled surface on land off Craythorne Lane, New Romney (Monument)
Monument Type MKE9015 Medieval deposits and possible floors, Dolphin lane, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114511 Medieval deposits at 10-11 Burgate/10-15 Canterbury Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE120301 Medieval ditches, quarry pits, and metalled surface at Rhodaus Town, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE43049 Medieval floors to the rear of High Street, New Romney (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118593 Medieval metallings at Luxmoore House, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117406 Medieval occupation at land adjacent to 54 Northgate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117477 Medieval quarries, a building, and other occupation-related features at Cockering Farm, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123300 Medieval quarry pits, track, ?post-holes, metalled surfaces, and ditch at Church Meadows, Seasalter (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98566 Medieval road metalling, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117352 Medieval settlement features at HM Prison, Longport, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118668 Medieval-post-medieval floors and 19th century wall at The King's School Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98593 Metalled surface associated with an extra mural building near the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98607 Metalled surface associated with barrack block 23 of the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98604 Metalled surface associated with the extra mural area of the Classis Britannica fort II (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98598 Metalled surfaces outside building 20 associated with the Classis Britannica Fort II (Monument)
Monument Type MKE103979 Original metalled surface of Centre Road, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122625 Palaeochannel of the Great Stour and associated medieval and post-medieval features at St John's Primary School, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE120344 Palaeochannels and potential features at Canterbury Riverside Project (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115762 Possible Anglo-Saxon or medieval surfaces, Tradescant Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117096 Possible Early Bronze Age pond barrow - Plateau 2, Thanet Earth (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114515 Possible evidence of Roman Watling Street, 35 Watling Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE116753 Possible Roman metalled surface, 30 St Dunstan's Terrace (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114473 Possible Roman surfaces, 20A, 21 and 21A Palace Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99627 Post Medieval cellaring and surfaces, Dolphin Lane, Dover. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE97619 Post Medieval Deposits including possible surfaces (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98768 Post Medieval layers located below Castle Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98747 Post Medieval stratification and road metalling, Mill Lane, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98589 Post-medieval contexts, Horsewash Lane Site, Rochester. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE111029 Post-medieval features, 5 High Street, Whitstable (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117372 Post-medieval walls, floor, and post-hole at the South Precinct of Canterbury Cathedral (Monument)
Monument Type MKE110994 Probable post-medieval street frontage remains, 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115638 Road metalling, St Dunstans (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123191 Roman bath house, domestic and industrial buildings, and settlement features, Shelford Farm Estate, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE118580 Roman building and road surface at 8 St Mary's Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE93022 Roman courtyard surface and Forum wall, 11 High Street, corner of Guildhall Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123160 Roman features at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117409 Roman features at the former site of Hallet's Garage, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122682 Roman gravel metalling, 6 Love Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123348 Roman industrial features at Willow Farm, Broomfield (Monument)
Monument Type MKE112126 Roman metalled surface, 38b St Dunstan’s Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98571 Roman metalled surface, Last Lane, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98541 Roman metalled surface, near the Unitarian Church, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE104591 Roman metalled surface, pits and post-holes, Staplegate (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114287 Roman metalling representing a possible road, Biggin Street, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122760 Roman mortar and clay surfaces, demolition layers, and a metalled surface, 46-47 High Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE114512 Roman occupation evidence, 19 Wincheap (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117420 Roman occupation features at Canterbury Cathedral Welcome Centre (Monument)
Monument Type MKE17777 Roman occupation, Wincheap, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE92827 Roman road, timber building, and pottery kiln, Starr Place (Monument)
Monument Type MKE117373 Roman street surface near Diocesan House (Monument)
Monument Type MKE123157 Roman structures and metalled surfaces, 30-33 High Street, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115757 Roman temple remains, Stour Street (Monument)
Monument Type MKE4587 Roman timber structure, metalled surface, hearths, well, ?iron-working site, and pits at 47 Burgate, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE122867 Roman trackway and wheel ruts, St Mary Bredin School, Canterbury (Monument)
Monument Type MKE92661 Roman wall/structure and metalling, 36-37 Stour Street (south) (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99389 Roman Watling Street, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99221 Room 11 (dressing room?) of the Roman military bath house, Dover (Monument)
Monument Type MKE98587 Saxo-Norman (10th and 11th century) features recorded in Trench 9, Horsewash Lane Site, Rochester. (Monument)
Monument Type MKE99393 Semi-sunken feature Roman building, Springhead (Monument)
Monument Type MKE115786 Three early Roman buildings, Marlowe Arcade. (Monument)