Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MKE117446 ?Anglo-Saxon metalled surfaces, ?buildings, and deposits at Shirley Hall, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117417 ?Anglo-Saxon yard and metalling deposit, and occupation deposits at Canterbury Christ Church University (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123162 ?Medieval floors, metalled surfaces, and ditches at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117382 ?Medieval surfaces associated with Canterbury Cathedral (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117419 ?Post-medieval metalled surface at Canterbury Christ Church University (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117447 ?Roman features and deposits at Shirley Hall, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE122617 ?Roman metalled surface and late Roman/post-Roman agricultural layer, 40 Orchard Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117415 ?Roman or Anglo-Saxon metalling at land adjacent to Blackman House, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE116739 1st to 3rd century Roman occupation, 49 St Peter's Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE116068 Anglo-Saxon and medieval enclosures and hut, Chestfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123161 Anglo-Saxon trackway, metallings, and floor surface at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123186 Anglo-Saxon/early medieval metalled surface at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99329 Area of metalling in SE corner (B44) of the CLBR fort II, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99453 Area of metalling north of the 'East Building', Located at the Cannon Street West Site, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99455 Area of metalling south of the 'East Building', Located at the Cannon Street West Site, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98892 Areas of metalling and chalk block barrack walls associated with the CLBR fort II, York Street, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114581 Branch road from Roman Watling Street, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117474 Bronze Age - early Iron Age features including a pond barrow, round-house, and enclosure ditches at Cockering Farm, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE104592 Early Medieval/Medieval deposits, pits and road surface, Staplegate (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99804 Early post medieval walling, yard surfaces and drains at Ladywell car park, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99266 East Intervallium Road (B40) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99224 External courtyard of the Roman military bath house, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99225 Flanking road of the Roman military bath house, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99267 Forecourt outside the East Gate (B45) of the CLBR fort II, located at the B.M.W. site, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115670 Gravel metalled Roman street, St Mildred's Tannery section B (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117475 Iron Age - Romano-British features including a droveway, a routeway, ditches, and pits at Cockering Farm, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115681 Iron Age and Roman remains, 65-65A London Road, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE4502 Iron Age occupation site with ?Roman features, Longmarket, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE116051 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age settlement features, Willow Farm, Broomfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114501 Late Iron Age / early Roman features, Whitehall Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115752 Late Iron age / Roman buildings and field system, Ridlands Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115645 Late iron age / Roman remains, south-west transept, Canterbury Cathedral (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114453 Late medieval metalled surface and boundary ditch, Hillborough Farm, Herne Bay (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE100348 Late Roman metalled surface, Queen Street/Last Lane, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MWX17299 Late Roman occupation at Reculver Cliff (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE7951 Linear features, possible line of a trackway, Minster in Thanet (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE97627 Medieval and Possible Romano-British occupation and features, Church Street, Hoo St Werburgh (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114513 Medieval and Post Medieval occupation evidence, 19 Wincheap (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123158 Medieval and post-medieval buildings and features at 30-33 High Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117426 Medieval and post-medieval features at 18 Longport, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE93305 Medieval building foundations excavated at Northgate Car Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE116759 Medieval clay/metalled surface on land off Craythorne Lane, New Romney (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE9015 Medieval deposits and possible floors, Dolphin lane, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114511 Medieval deposits at 10-11 Burgate/10-15 Canterbury Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE120301 Medieval ditches, quarry pits, and metalled surface at Rhodaus Town, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE43049 Medieval floors to the rear of High Street, New Romney (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE118593 Medieval metallings at Luxmoore House, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117406 Medieval occupation at land adjacent to 54 Northgate (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117477 Medieval quarries, a building, and other occupation-related features at Cockering Farm, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123300 Medieval quarry pits, track, ?post-holes, metalled surfaces, and ditch at Church Meadows, Seasalter (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98566 Medieval road metalling, Bench Street, Dover. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117352 Medieval settlement features at HM Prison, Longport, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE118668 Medieval-post-medieval floors and 19th century wall at The King's School Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98593 Metalled surface associated with an extra mural building near the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98607 Metalled surface associated with barrack block 23 of the Classis Britannica fort II, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98604 Metalled surface associated with the extra mural area of the Classis Britannica fort II (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98598 Metalled surfaces outside building 20 associated with the Classis Britannica Fort II (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE103979 Original metalled surface of Centre Road, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE122625 Palaeochannel of the Great Stour and associated medieval and post-medieval features at St John's Primary School, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE120344 Palaeochannels and potential features at Canterbury Riverside Project (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115762 Possible Anglo-Saxon or medieval surfaces, Tradescant Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117096 Possible Early Bronze Age pond barrow - Plateau 2, Thanet Earth (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114515 Possible evidence of Roman Watling Street, 35 Watling Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE116753 Possible Roman metalled surface, 30 St Dunstan's Terrace (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114473 Possible Roman surfaces, 20A, 21 and 21A Palace Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99627 Post Medieval cellaring and surfaces, Dolphin Lane, Dover. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE97619 Post Medieval Deposits including possible surfaces (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98768 Post Medieval layers located below Castle Street, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98747 Post Medieval stratification and road metalling, Mill Lane, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98589 Post-medieval contexts, Horsewash Lane Site, Rochester. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE111029 Post-medieval features, 5 High Street, Whitstable (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117372 Post-medieval walls, floor, and post-hole at the South Precinct of Canterbury Cathedral (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE110994 Probable post-medieval street frontage remains, 28 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115638 Road metalling, St Dunstans (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123191 Roman bath house, domestic and industrial buildings, and settlement features, Shelford Farm Estate, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE118580 Roman building and road surface at 8 St Mary's Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE93022 Roman courtyard surface and Forum wall, 11 High Street, corner of Guildhall Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123160 Roman features at St Mildred's Tannery, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117409 Roman features at the former site of Hallet's Garage, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE122682 Roman gravel metalling, 6 Love Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123348 Roman industrial features at Willow Farm, Broomfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE112126 Roman metalled surface, 38b St Dunstan’s Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98571 Roman metalled surface, Last Lane, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98541 Roman metalled surface, near the Unitarian Church, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE104591 Roman metalled surface, pits and post-holes, Staplegate (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114287 Roman metalling representing a possible road, Biggin Street, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE122760 Roman mortar and clay surfaces, demolition layers, and a metalled surface, 46-47 High Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE114512 Roman occupation evidence, 19 Wincheap (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117420 Roman occupation features at Canterbury Cathedral Welcome Centre (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE17777 Roman occupation, Wincheap, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE92827 Roman road, timber building, and pottery kiln, Starr Place (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE117373 Roman street surface near Diocesan House (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE123157 Roman structures and metalled surfaces, 30-33 High Street, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115757 Roman temple remains, Stour Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE4587 Roman timber structure, metalled surface, hearths, well, ?iron-working site, and pits at 47 Burgate, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE122867 Roman trackway and wheel ruts, St Mary Bredin School, Canterbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE92661 Roman wall/structure and metalling, 36-37 Stour Street (south) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99389 Roman Watling Street, Springhead, Northfleet (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99221 Room 11 (dressing room?) of the Roman military bath house, Dover (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE98587 Saxo-Norman (10th and 11th century) features recorded in Trench 9, Horsewash Lane Site, Rochester. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE99393 Semi-sunken feature Roman building, Springhead (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MKE115786 Three early Roman buildings, Marlowe Arcade. (Monument) |